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Do you Have Health Issues? – Understanding The Risks

Do you Have Health Issues? – Understanding The Risks
27 Jun, 2022

Do you Have Health Issues? – Understanding The Risks

Your Tattoo Artist Thinks Before He Inks

The tattoo design industry is really taking off today. "Tattoo artist” became rapidly one of the most common professions among artistic young people. It’s a real job with a tremendous number of responsibilities. A tattoo artist not only has to have artistic skills to build a strong portfolio and create exceptional sketches, but he also must be patient, and attentive and work with a lot of care.


Medical Clearance

Professional tattoo artists do not just tattoo people for the sake of making money or building a larger clientele and a name for themselves. They also consider the health of people.  Most tattoo artists today request medical clearance from anyone wanting to get tattooed and require a go-signal first from a certified physician before tattooing them. A doctor’s clearance is overly important upon getting ink because it gives tattoo artists peace of mind and a clear conscience as it can help them avoid any possible complications as well. A medical clearance is crucial as it would provide the client with reassurance and it will indicate whether he is healthy and physically able to handle getting inked.


When Should I NOT Get a Tattoo:

Having said that, you may be unable to get a tattoo if you have certain physical ailments or health conditions. Most tattoo shops will refuse to tattoo an individual with a previous medical history out of concern for their health. Not disclosing any disease or health problem you might have, to your tattoo artist prior to your appointment could be extremely harmful.


Here is a list of health issues that your tattoo artist will inquire about:

Pregnancy and Breastfeeding

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding are advised against getting an ink. As a matter of fact, no reputable tattoo shop would tattoo a pregnant or breastfeeding lady. As with any tattoo, there is always the possibility of infections to occur. These infections might be passed on to the baby during pregnancy or by breastfeeding. The slightest infection could put the baby’s life in danger since infants have a very weak immune system. Pregnancy is a very draining and tiring process that can induce numerous changes in a woman’s body. Most tattoo specialists require customers to wait at least six months after giving birth or weaning off breast milk, to recover before getting a tattoo.


If you have diabetes, there are some things you should consider before getting a tattoo. The main concern is that it will take longer to heal. Thus, it is more prone to bacteria and infections. Tattoos are open wounds and need time to heal properly. Those with well-controlled diabetes may not have as much of a problem, but those with poor circulation or neuropathy may want to talk to their doctor first. It's important to keep your diabetes under control before, during, and after the tattoo process. That is something your tattoo artist will most likely recommend.


Eczema comes in various forms and degrees. Those who have few or minor flares are better candidates for tattooing than those who have frequent, large, or severe eczema. Eczema patients tend to have more sensitive skin, which can result in allergic reactions to the pigment present in the ink. During the tattoo process the skin is pierced repeatedly thousands of times by a thin needle and ink is deposited beneath the inner layers of the skin, which can lead to irritations and flare-ups. If a new tattoo causes a flare-up, it runs the risk of not healing properly and will take a longer time to heal.


If you have psoriasis or any similar chronic skin condition, it is imperative to consult with your doctor to see whether you’re allowed to get a tattoo or not. You should avoid getting inked in areas that frequently flare up; however, your tattoo artist will be aware of this and won’t risk tattooing your skin anyway. Remember the Koebner phenomenon: you could get new flare-ups in areas that have been affected by injuries(needle). Getting flares on brand-new tattoos can make the healing process even longer.

Blood disorders

There are several conditions and blood disorders that can interfere with the tattooing process. These disorders can result in excessive bleeding or clotting that can turn tattooing into a very unpleasant experience. Tattoo artists would normally turn away clients with a blood disorder. People who suffer from a blood disorder tend to bleed more excessive bleeding may lead to the dilution of ink or to more wiping which can compromise the design and cause the artist to lose his visibility.


Certain medications can prevent you from getting a tattoo. For instance, getting inked while taking anticoagulants or blood thinners isn’t ideal. Also, immunosuppressants or anti-rejection medications taken after organ transplantation can hinder one’s chances at getting an ink because they are at a higher risk of infections., Acne medications can also render the tattoo process very painful due to skin hypersensitivity. Anyway, if you are put on any medications, it’s very crucial that you speak with your doctor prior to getting a tattoo. Most importantly, inform your tattoo artist that you are on medication.



It is empirical to confirm with your doctor whether it’s safe for you to get an ink as they are more knowledgeable of your medical history. If your tattoo artist doesn’t ask you about any previous medical history, it is better to inform him about any medical condition you might have so he can be prepared and take all precautions needed to make the process run as smoothly as possible. Allergic reactions or skin infections are very common after getting a tattoo. Thus, you are advised to take care of your tattoo and keep it clean and well moisturized, so it heals properly.

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